Our programs and services are informed by evidence-based research performed by the Aim to Play LLC team
Digital Application Tool for Classroom Teachers Responsible for Physical Education Instruction
Due to budget constraints and shifting academic priorities, classroom teachers are increasingly assuming roles of physical educators without formal training or resources. Aim to Play LLC has partnered with Saavsus, Inc. to develop a user-friendly digital app that provides a teacher training platform for classroom teachers responsible for PE instruction.
Stay tuned for updates on our progress!
Fitness and Skill-based High-Intensity Interval Training in Physical Education
Did you know ‘high intensity interval training’, or ‘HIIT’, is an evidence-based strategy for improving physical fitness in children? We conducted a research study where elementary school students engaged in HIIT circuits (i.e. rotating activity stations of light- to vigorous-intensity activities) for the first 15 minutes of their PE class. We concluded that students who performed these HIIT circuits were more active during PE and improved their cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, more so than traditional PE activities. The students and PE teacher also enjoyed the program!
Learn more about this research here: High-Intensity Heart Rate Training Program Accelerates Student Fitness (ihtusa.com)
Through ours and other’s promising research, we help educators incorporate these evidence-based HIIT circuits as part of their comprehensive physical activity plan!